Climate Smart Agriculture: Data Management and Information System


Agriculture & Agri-Food


Online at your own pace


Fall Term
Winter Term
Spring/Summer Term


$1 - $500



Data management and analysis are key in allowing the agriculture sector to facilitate change when transitioning to a low carbon economy and meeting net zero targets. Using farm level data to support decisions will ensure farmers and farm workers are positioned to make decisions to optimize yields and outputs for their specific situation. Digitization of agriculture data is a key factor for the sector going forward and how that data is used and interpreted will affect productivity, competitiveness, profitability, traceability and application of inputs. 

By the end of this microcredential, learners will be prepared to implement a system to collect, analyze, and report information using data that leads to a reduction of a farm operation’s carbon footprint.   

The assessment for this microcredential will require learners to:  

  • Use data management software to manage agricultural data
  • Interpret various farm relevant data such as boundaries, soil sampling, satellite imagery, yield data, etc
  • Generate reports to identify measures of success and impacts

In order to develop competency, learners will be exposed to best management practices, including:   

  • Describe the importance of data as it relates to mitigating carbon footprint
  • Examine the assets, challenges, and opportunities for efficiencies within a farming operation  
  • Examine data informed decisions at the field level 
  • Access available data sources
  • Troubleshoot common issues in data collection and management

This microcredential will prepare learners to implement a system to collect, analyze, and report information using data that leads to a reduction of a farm operation’s carbon footprint. This training will assist farmers, farm workers, and farm service providers to transition towards meeting carbon emission targets and contribute to a net zero clean economy.  

Courses Available:

Spring/Summer Term
Winter Term
Fall Term