Waste-Free Ontario


Natural Resources & Environment


Online at your own pace


Fall Term


$1 - $500



This course prepares learners for the low-carbon economy by introducing them to the principles of a circular economy and waste management. By understanding and applying technologies and strategies for waste reduction, diversion, and sustainable practices, students are equipped to contribute to reducing environmental impacts and fostering a low-carbon future​. 

Learners will:

Locate and identify waste generated by all activities within the province, and evaluate its impact on all aspects of human endeavor:

  • Explore how waste is generated from businesses and residential activities 
  • Categorize waste generated according to its physical and chemical form 
  • Differentiate waste diversion and waste disposal practices 
  • Determine the impact of waste on the environment and sustainability 

Summarize the current function of various levels of government in waste control and management:

  • Discuss the role of the Federal and Provincial governments in waste management 
  • Recall the current municipal waste management systems 
  • Choose the most appropriate and legal disposal method of all types of waste 
  • Illustrate current responsibilities of citizens and businesses toward waste disposal and waste diversion 

Identify current technologies used and discuss the role of technological innovation in waste management:

  • List current and emerging technologies in waste collection, diversion and disposal 
  • Outline technologies used in waste avoidance, reduction and reuse 
  • Explain challenges faced in processing and preparing divertible material to be recycled and finding end markets 
  • Compare the pros and cons of new waste management technologies to existing ones 

Discuss Ontario’s place in the national and international community regarding waste management, and explore the waste-free Ontario strategy initiative:

  • Define the current national and local waste management performance and its impact on sustainability 
  • Summarize the global immergence of the concept of circular economy 
  • Convey how the Province is adopting a Circular Economy (CE) and Extended Producer Responsibility (ERP) for a Waste-Free Ontario 
  • Locate other initiatives that supports the diversion and reduction of waste in the Province 

Explain what it means for people to live responsibly and reach their potential towards reduction of waste and building a circular economy:

  • Explain the key components that constitutes circular economy framework in business 
  • Explore case studies on how organizations around the world are going circular 
  • Determine circular economy opportunities in an industry of interest 
  • Investigate companies and products for their sustainability 

Ontario continues to generate more and more waste; historically, three quarters of this waste has been discarded. In this course, learners are introduced to the tremendous environmental and economic opportunities that exist to embrace resource conservation ideology and a circular economy – a system in which products are never discarded, but reused, recycled and reintroduced into new products. With interactive activities, videos, and gaming; learners identify concepts and technologies to make informed decisions regarding waste management. Learners reflect on material learned, connect it to their own personalized industry or interest, and locate innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Courses Available:

Fall Term