Inclusive Leadership in Construction and Trades




Online at your own pace
Online scheduled


Fall Term
Winter Term
Spring/Summer Term


Less than $500



This microcredential introduces participants to the construction trades sector, focusing on the essential principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Participants will learn to value the varied backgrounds and perspectives that team members bring to the job site and develop skills to identify and mitigate biases that can affect team performance. Through self-reflection and the examination of real-world examples and EDI initiatives, participants will gain the tools necessary to lead by example and cultivate a culture of belonging and allyship. This course combines face-to-face and online learning in a blended model.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Acknowledge the diverse backgrounds, abilities, cultures, and perspectives that individuals bring to the workplace
  • Identify how biases and discriminatory practices can impact morale and team performance
  • Self-reflect to evaluate one’s own behaviours and attitudes regarding prejudices and personal biases
  • Examine real-world examples and initiatives to identify effective equity, diversity, and inclusion practices
  • Plan initiatives to foster a culture of respect, belonging, and allyship within work teams
  • Model inclusive and equitable workplace practices that encourage diversity

The Inclusive Leadership in Construction and Trades microcredential prepares students for the low-carbon economy by empowering them to drive equitable and sustainable practices within the construction and trades sectors. As industries transition towards a low-carbon future, inclusive leadership becomes a critical component of fostering innovative solutions and ensuring that sustainability efforts are implemented effectively and fairly across all levels of the workforce.

Courses Available:

Fall Term
Winter Term
Spring/Summer Term

We Want to Hear From You!

Tell us about your experience with our training. Complete this 2-4 minute survey.