Climate Smart Agriculture: Cropping Systems


Agriculture & Agri-Food


Online at your own pace


Fall Term
Winter Term
Spring/Summer Term


$1 - $500



This microcredential introduces the main sources of GHG emissions in cropping systems (tillage, nutrient management and pest management) and will assist learners in identifying cropland management practices to reduce GHG emissions and sequester carbon. Based on current research and best practices, learners will develop farm-specific strategies for their crops operation that reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon sequestration.  

​​​By the end of this training, learners will develop farm-specific strategies for a crop production operation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration.     

Note: Successful completion of the Climate Smart Agriculture Fundamentals microcredential is a pre-requisite for this microcredential. 

By the end of this training, learners will develop farm-specific strategies for a crop production operation that reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon sequestration.     

​The assessment for this microcredential will require learners to build upon the strategies developed in the Climate Smart Agriculture Fundamentals microcredential with strategies specific to a crop production operation, including:  

  • ​Refine Climate Smart crop agricultural goals for their own operation 
  • ​Justify the choice of farm-specific strategies to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon sequestration, using research and best practices
  • ​Develop an implementation plan for chosen strategies

In order to develop competency, learners will: 

  • ​Observe current and emerging practices
  • Examine best management practices, including  
  • ​Tillage management strategies to reduce carbon loss from soils
  • ​4R Nutrient management strategy (particularly for nitrogen)
  • ​Right Source of Nitrogen (especially enhanced efficiency fertilizers)  
  • ​Right rate of use:  Variable rate applications, based on high-resolution soil testing in the field (yield mapping, yield management plans)
  • Right timing (split application, slow-release formulations)  
  • Right placement (banding, incorporation methods)  
  • ​Pest Management

Learners will develop farm-specific strategies for a crop production operation that reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon sequestration. 

Courses Available:

Spring/Summer Term
Winter Term
Fall Term