In this microcredential, you will learn how to determine the social and environmental impact of event management options. You will also learn how to evaluate these options using a sustainability checklist and communicate your findings to clients and vendors by presenting a sustainability analysis report to promote social and environmental responsibility in their sector(s).
This course is intended for current and future event professionals looking to incorporate sustainable practices into their existing market offerings.
Experience in events is recommended but not required.
Skills and Competencies
As companies have been putting more emphasis on their sustainable impact in order to do their part in contributing to a clean economy, they are increasingly interested in how their strategic events will impact the environment. This microcredential will teach event managers how to evaluate the level/score of an event for sustainability by utilizing a sustainability checklist developed with the help of their partners. Together, event planners and clients will set sustainable goals for an event. The event planner will be able to develop a list of contacts that are proven sustainable practitioners and to determine the environmental impact of an event. Each action involved in creating and executing an event will be reviewed for its environmental and financial impact as well as whether it meets the expectations of conscious customers.
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