Global Positioning Systems Basics


Natural Resources & Environment


Online at your own pace


Fall Term
Winter Term


$1 - $500



A modern conservationist is multidisciplined and provides a balanced program leading to a future where aquatic and wildlife ecology remains healthy and abundant. Knowing Global Positioning basics is integral. This microcredential will introduce you to Global Positioning Systems (GPS), the use of handheld GPS receivers, entering GPS data into various Geographic Information Systems (GIS) file formats, and collecting data using advanced data collection techniques.

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the theory of global positioning systems
  • Prepare a GPS mission plan for data collection with the use of a GPS receiver
  • Demonstrate data import to export from GPS


  • The learner must read and interact with all course content to receive the badge.

Water and wildlife are two of Canada’s most precious resources. Businesses such as environmental tourism on an abundant supply of clean water and well-managed wildlife. It is important that businesses such as mining and manufacturing understand wildlife techniques that support a healthy aquatic and wildlife ecology. All Canadians and businesses need to be cognizant of how to maintain the health and well-being of this resource. Understanding how lowering the carbon footprint to have the least impact on the environment is essential:

  • Canada’s Climate Action
  • Partnership with Indigenous people
  • Pan Canadian Framework

Elements of Collaboration

  • Strengthening the collaboration between our governments and Indigenous Peoples on mitigation and adaptation actions, based on recognition of rights, respect, cooperation, and partnership

Complementary Actions

  • Accelerate reforestation, to continuously improve sustainable management practices, and to plant new forests where they do not currently exist will enhance stored carbon

Courses Available:

Winter Term
Fall Term