Wildlife Field Techniques


Natural Resources & Environment


Online at your own pace


Fall Term
Winter Term


Less than $500



Water and wildlife are two of Canada’s most precious resources. It is important to not only understand the ecology of each but also to manage them. This microcredential will take you through various scenarios to develop tools and techniques for dealing with wildlife. You’ll learn fundamental field skills in wildlife management and the ethics and species involved.

Target audience is anyone wanting to enter the natural resource/environmental tourism sector or supplement their current training. Technicians who work in northern mines, or for environmental consulting companies, and do field sample collection, would benefit from understanding wildlife management techniques. The intended learners are Indigenous youth and adults. The earner of this microcredential will be able to describe the ecological land classification system ecology of land associated with lake ecosystems and understand resource legislation relevant to Indigenous peoples and how these topics relate to conservation management.

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Discuss preventative and control techniques for wildlife management
  2. Discuss the species involved in wildlife damage
  3. Document wildlife incidents appropriately

Water and wildlife are two of Canada’s most precious resources. Businesses such as environmental tourism on an abundant supply of clean water and well-managed wildlife. It is important that businesses such as mining and manufacturing understand wildlife techniques that support a healthy aquatic and wildlife ecology. All Canadians and businesses need to be cognizant of how to maintain the health and well-being of this resource. Understanding how lowering the carbon footprint to have the least impact on the environment is essential.

Elements of Collaboration

  • Strengthening the collaboration between our governments and Indigenous Peoples on mitigation and adaptation actions, based on recognition of rights, respect, cooperation, and partnership

Complementary Actions

  • Accelerate reforestation, to continuously improve sustainable management practices, and to plant new forests where they do not currently exist will enhance stored carbon

Courses Available:

Winter Term
Fall Term